Source code for jinja2_sanic

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.exceptions import ServerError
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse
from sanic.views import HTTPMethodView
from collections import Mapping
import asyncio
import functools
import jinja2

__version__ = '0.1.2'

# Constants
APP_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS_KEY = 'sanic_jinja2_context_processors'
APP_KEY = 'sanic_jinja2_environment'
REQUEST_CONTEXT_KEY = 'sanic_jinja2_context'

class SanicJinjia2Exception(Exception):

[docs]def setup(app, *args, app_key=APP_KEY, context_processors=(), filters=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize jinja2.Environment object. :param app: a Sanic instance :param app_key: an optional key for application instance. If not provided, default value will be used. :param context_processors: context processors that will be used in request middlewares. :param args and kwargs: will be passed to environment constructor. """ env = jinja2.Environment(*args, **kwargs) # filters if filters is not None: env.filters.update(filters) # app_key if not hasattr(app, app_key): setattr(app, app_key, env) # context_processors if context_processors: if not hasattr(app, APP_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS_KEY): setattr(app, APP_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS_KEY, context_processors) app.request_middleware.append(context_processors_middleware) env.globals['app'] = app return env
[docs]def get_env(app, *, app_key=APP_KEY): """ Get Jinja2 env by `app_key`. :param app: a Sanic instance :param app_key: a optional key for application instance. If not provided, default value will be used. """ return getattr(app, app_key, None)
[docs]def render_string(template_name, request, context, *, app_key=APP_KEY): """ Render a string by filling Template template_name with context. Returns a string. :param template_name: template name. :param request: a parameter from web-handler, sanic.request.Request instance. :param context: context for rendering. :param app_key: a optional key for application instance. If not provided, default value will be used. """ env = get_env(, app_key=app_key) if not env: raise ServerError( "Template engine has not been initialized yet.", status_code=500, ) try: template = env.get_template(template_name) except jinja2.TemplateNotFound as e: raise ServerError( "Template '{}' not found".format(template_name), status_code=500, ) if not isinstance(context, Mapping): raise ServerError( "context should be mapping, not {}".format(type(context)), status_code=500, ) if request.get(REQUEST_CONTEXT_KEY): context = dict(request[REQUEST_CONTEXT_KEY], **context) text = template.render(context) return text
[docs]def render_template(template_name, request, context, *, app_key=APP_KEY, encoding='utf-8', headers=None, status=200): """ Return sanic.response.Response which contains template template_name filled with context. Returned response has Content-Type header set to 'text/html'. :param template_name: template name. :param request: a parameter from web-handler, sanic.request.Request instance. :param context: context for rendering. :param encoding: response encoding, 'utf-8' by default. :param status: HTTP status code for returned response, 200 (OK) by default. :param app_key: a optional key for application instance. If not provided, default value will be used. """ if context is None: context = {} text = render_string(template_name, request, context, app_key=app_key) content_type = "text/html; charset={encoding}".format(encoding=encoding) return HTTPResponse( text, status=status, headers=headers, content_type=content_type )
[docs]def template(template_name, *, app_key=APP_KEY, encoding='utf-8', headers=None, status=200): """ Decorate web-handler to convert returned dict context into sanic.response.Response filled with template_name template. :param template_name: template name. :param request: a parameter from web-handler, sanic.request.Request instance. :param context: context for rendering. :param encoding: response encoding, 'utf-8' by default. :param status: HTTP status code for returned response, 200 (OK) by default. :param app_key: a optional key for application instance. If not provided, default value will be used. """ def wrapper(func): @functools.wraps(func) async def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): coro = func else: coro = asyncio.coroutine(func) context = await coro(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(context, HTTPResponse): return context if isinstance(args[0], HTTPMethodView): request = args[1] else: request = args[0] return render_template(template_name, request, context, app_key=app_key, encoding=encoding) return wrapped return wrapper
async def context_processors_middleware(request): request[REQUEST_CONTEXT_KEY] = {} for processor in getattr(, APP_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS_KEY): request[REQUEST_CONTEXT_KEY].update( await processor(request) ) return None async def request_processor(request): return { 'request': request }